Conversations of The Way
Conversations about The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Join me as we have candid conversations about the Scriptures. I hope this allows us to get closer to Him and to build a relationship unlike one we've had before.
70 episodes
Ep. 70- Identity Series 4/4: Grafted In
Finally! I know it has taken me some time to reach this episode, but I wanted to take my time to dig through this and be thoughtful on how I wanted to structure it. I hope and pray that this brings the series together. This will be a new concep...
Season 3
Episode 70
Ep. 69- Feast of Trumpets
It's the start of the fall feasts and it starts with the Feast of Trumpets. Join me as we discuss the significance of the trumpet and its mysteries.
Season 3
Episode 69
Ep. 68- Identity Series 3/4: Replacement Theology
This will be part 3 of this series. This episode will dig into how we have come to misunderstand who we are as His people. I recommend listening to the last 2 episodes before jumping into this one. We will discuss what this theology means, wher...
Season 3
Episode 68
Ep. 67- Identity Series 2/4: Who is the church?
In this episode we will carry on where we left on the last episode. We are going to have a deeper conversation about who is the church. I think it will be a surprising conversation and we dig deeper into the meaning of the word church and how i...
Season 3
Episode 67
Ep. 66- Identity Series 1/4: Who are His people?
This discussion might not be what you think it is. It appears is a simple question, and I would agree. But it all depends from what side of it you come from. Join us we discussed who does God say are His people!
Season 3
Episode 66
Ep. 65- Impromptu: A new Believer and tarot cards
As new Believers we are not going to get it right from the start. Some us will bring to this New Way, old ways that cannot longer align with this New Walk. We need to be encouraged and pointed into the right direction, but sometimes no one is t...
Season 3
Episode 65
Ep. 64 - Impromptu: Can you be a good person without God?
I think you will be surprised by this conversation and you will get out of it more than just a yes or no. Join me as we have a conversation about Him and being good! And here is the link for the video I mention in the episode.
Season 3
Episode 64
Ep. 63- Who is God?
Simple enough question and it should be a simple enough answer. But we are going to go a little deeper into this question. Not much, but just enough to hopefully build a curiosity in us to seek Him more and more everyday!
Season 3
Episode 63
Episode 62- Feast of Firstfruits
This Sunday the 28th will be the Feast of Firstfruits. In our last episode we talked about Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. Firstfruits is the next feast. You may know that Christ is our firstfruits. In this episode we will have a conver...
Season 3
Episode 62
Ep. 61- Passover and Unleavened Bread
I personally didn't grow up hearing much about God's Feasts! Join me for a great conversation about the first two feasts in God's calendar. I truly believe it will be eye opening, you will get much out of it, and enjoy it!
Season 3
Episode 61
Ep. 60- Purim
Have you ever heard of the feast of Purim? Most of us haven't! But have you heard of Esther? Some of us have. Join me as we explore this feast and the story of Esther. It is full of suspense, action, drama, and faith!
Season 3
Episode 60
Ep. 59- My Testimony
It was supposed to be a short testimony, but it took me where it took me. I decided that this would be a good episode to start season 3, so you can understand what was my motivation to get where I am today in my understanding and relationship w...
Season 3
Episode 59
Ep. 58 - Season 3
After what feels like a long absence, we are back for Season 3. This season I will describe it as a journey. And just like every journey, it will be sometimes difficult to trek, but that is what makes the journey exciting. The best part of this...
Season 3
Episode 58
Ep. 57- Impromptu: Judge from Within Pt. 2
In this episode I expand from the last episode as some new events occurred. The person the was being judged from within appears to already not be producing good fruit. Was I wrong for defending her? Do I have to eat my words now? Join me as I s...
Season 2
Episode 57
Ep. 56- Impromptu: Judged from Within Pt. 1
I find it unbelievable that the same people who claim to be followers of Christ are the same people that will be the first ones to judge other followers. In this impromptu episode I discuss the backlash that a tv personality that has just recen...
Season 2
Episode 56
Ep. 55- Repentance
Many of us have loosely used this word. An example might be, "I repent buying this car". But in this conversation we will go deeper on what repentance really is according to Word and how it leads us to Salvation.
Season 2
Episode 55
Ep. 54- Mary the Young Maiden
Well, this is the last episode of the series. It has been a roller coaster ride for me. Lots of emotion. I learned a lot and hope you have enjoyed it. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this episode, but God made a way. In this episode I...
Season 2
Episode 54
Ep. 53- Bathsheba the Aduleteress
If you think there was a lot of drama in the story of Tamar, wait until you listen to this one. It gets a little heavy, so hide your children. This story has been interpreted in many ways, but we are going to break it down and take it as face v...
Season 2
Episode 53
Ep. 52- Tamar the Widow
I grew up with my grandmothers loving soap operas. As ridiculous as I believed they were at times, I did get sucked into a few episodes. This story seems straight out of a soap opera but much better. It starts with wickedness, lies, deception, ...
Season 2
Episode 52
Ep. 51- Rehab the Harlot
I've heard people say the God of the Old Testament was a mean god, and the one of the New Testament is a kinder version. I'm not sure why, but it may be from lack of reading and understanding. In the story of Rehab we can see His Grace, Mercy, ...
Season 2
Episode 51
Ep. 50- Who were the Canaanites?
The land of Canaan and its people are well know in the Scriptures. They were a well know enemy of the Israelites. But why? Why were they kick out their land? Join me as we go a little deeper into who they were and their relationship with the He...
Season 2
Episode 50
Ep. 49- Ruth the Redeemed
If you have never heard the story of Ruth you are in for a big surprise! If you have, I believe that you will truly enjoy and be blessed by this conversation. How does a widow Moabite woman goes on to be so well know and become part of our Fait...
Season 2
Episode 49
Ep. 48- Who were the Moabites?
This will be the first episode to kick off a series about the women in the lineage of Christ. There is a reason why we started here, so join us as we take a short look at who these people were and where they came from. The next episodes are goi...
Season 2
Episode 48
Ep. 47- Impromptu: My idea of God?
Hello everyone! I know that I have not posted and episode for a long time, but I have a few coming in the next weeks. For this episode I'm going to go over an article that has some thought provoking points that we can have conversations about. ...
Season 2
Episode 47